Monday, December 21, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it SNOW!!!

I am not quite 2 years old yet so I haven't had much experience with snow (we don't get that much where I live). We had one good snow last winter, my first with Mommy, and I discovered that I LOVE it! Seeing snow (esp. new-fallen "virgin" snow) puts me into hyperdrive. Mommy says I act kinda like a rabid squirrel--hopping around and acting crazy--and that I drag her around by the leash and ignore her commands.

This past weekend, the weekend before Christmas, we had a huge storm where I live. Saturday, it was nasty--freezing rain, sleet and a little snow with gale force winds. I'd whine to go out and pee and then, when Mommy got us all suited up to go out in that mess, I'd get cold feet (literally--DANG, it was cold...and WET!). I'd go out and pee but then run back home.

But Sunday, when we came out for our first walk of the day, it was BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL! White everywhere...not so much you couldn't walk through it (even me, and I'm built pretty low to the ground) but definitely covering everything. As soon as I was out the front door, I started eating snow and hopping around while Mommy was locking the door. I could almost hear her say "Here we go again!" But she started to laugh and take pictures and enjoy herself, too. She doesn't eat snow or hop around, but she says the snow reminds her of growing up in Ohio.

On a later walk that day, while off leash, I went hopping through a really deep drift of snow and suddenly completely disappeared. Mommy started yelling cuz she was scared for me, but I'd just fallen into a drainage pipe that had been covered with snow. I popped my head right up through the snow, jumped out and continued to play! Mommy said "WHEW!!!! Scared me!"

When Mommy took me off leash in the back field, I ran SO FAST and jumped into as much snow as I could. I always forget about the aftermath--the snowballs. When I get back home after playing in the snow, I have a hundred little snowballs hanging off my legs and belly. Brrrr!!

Here is a video that Mommy took of me acting like a rabid snow bunny:

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