Friday, December 26, 2008

Slip slidin' away

I intended to post this earlier in the week--when it happened--but I needed Mommy to type it for me and she has been very lazy this week (you just can't get good help anymore).

Back in my very first blog post, I talked about how Mommy was dressed up like the Michelin Man to walk me because it was cold. Well, at least she thought that was cold--until this week. On Monday and Tuesday of this week, it was extremely cold and the wind was blowing fiercely...even *I* was walking super fast and pulling Mommy down the street so I could do my business and get home, and I am not usually bothered by the cold.

Anyway, a few days before that cold spell, it had rained--a lot--and there were still puddles around. I went to walk through this puddle that I usually walk through at the entrance to our driveway, except it wasn't a puddle anymore--it was ice!--and I started to slide. Mommy started to laugh--just snortin' up a storm--while I was slip slidin' away. BAD MOMMY! I suppose she can't help herself--she thinks everything I do is pretty cute/funny. Well, maybe not when I poop on the carpet or eat her favorite houseplant, but most other things.

On Wednesday, the weather was much nicer, so we took a longer walk. As we are approaching the development where we live, Mommy stepped in some dirt that had been frozen the day before, but it wasn't frozen anymore--it was mud!--and Mommy started to slide. I don't mean to bite the hand that feeds me, but if I could have figured out how to laugh, I would have!

Thankfully, no puppies or mommies were hurt in the process!

Stay tuned for my Christmas Day post, complete with pictures!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

New adventures and new friends

Yesterday, Mommy's friend David came over in the day time and then they promptly left. I was NOT a happy Tzu. I have this thing Mommy calls "separation anxiety"--which means that when Mommy leaves me alone, I go BONKERS!

So, after a while, they come back, and David is carrying this BIG box. Mommy and David worked a while on getting something out of the box. It was this big black square thing and David put it in Mommy's entertainment center where the old big black thing had been. Then there was lots of discussion and curse words and booklets and wires.

This part was REALLY frustrating for me, because I wanted to be right there in the middle of it all, helping of course, but Mommy kept saying that I was in the way and made me to go back to my chair and lay down. She got pretty testy there after the tenth or so time I got up and got under foot, and Mommy doesn't usually get testy with me unless I do something REALLY bad. I just couldn't help myself! I had to see what all the excitement was and to be with Mommy and to get David to play with me.

Then, the doorbell rang, and two more of Mommy's friends came by. The tall one I already met once before, but the other one I didn't. Well the other one got into the mix with the wires and the big black square thing and I heard him pointing to some other boxes in the entertainment center and saying all these letters like CD, DVD, VHS and I was like "WHATEVER!" cuz none of them were letters I understand (like PP).

FINALLY, they seemed to finish (the big black box comes to life and they are all oohing and ahhing and I'm thinking "GREAT. Just what Mommy needs...more reasons to watch the big black box!"). Finally, I get to meet the new guy. He was very friendly! He played with me and pet me and didn't even mind when I was chewing on his fingers! COOL! I like this guy!

The tall guy, who was friendly the last time, would reach down and pet me but wouldn't let me jump up on his lap. Turns out, doctors had cut on his tummy and took out one of his parts. Then I understood why he didn't want me jumping on him, cuz when I was a littler puppy, the doctor cut on MY tummy and took out one of MY parts. I sure know I wouldn't have wanted anyone jumping and sitting on MY tummy after that!

Finally, all the friends leave and Mommy is watching that dog training show again (that is always trouble, because she gets ideas, and those ideas always involve ME having to learn something or stop doing something). Except now, because of the new bigger, clearer black box, everything is REALLY big and clear and colorful! Wow. So I stood right in front of the TV and watched too! I even put my front paws up on the edge of the entertainment center, cuz those doggies seemed so real and close that I thought maybe I could sniff their butts! But, drat it, no such luck.

Even with all of the frustration because everyone was focused on the darned black box and not ME, Missy the amazingly adorable Shih Tzu, it was a pretty cool and exciting day!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

That Mommy, she's such a pill!

When people meet me, they always say "She's SO cute." to which Mommy usually replies "Yes, but she's a PILL!" and then there is much laughing among the humans. I'll admit, it annoys me. Aren't mommies supposed to love you unconditionally, even if you ARE a pill? And besides, Mommy can be quite the pill herself sometimes!

Like potty time. So it's time for me to go potty and what does Mommy do? She says "I have to go potty first." Say WHAT? This is MY potty time! So I give her this look like "Whachu talkin' bout Willis?" and she smiles and says "First, Mommy go potty and then Missy go potty!" Like that's supposed to explain everything!!!?! And then, she doesn't just go potty quickly. No. She reads a magazine sometimes! And I'm standing there in the bathroom whining and crossing my legs and she smiles at me and says "I know you have to go potty, sweetie." Yea, well, THAT ISN'T HELPING, mommy!!!!"

Also, she got these great new doggy treats from Amazon, but she will only use them for training. Well JEEZ, they taste GREAT (they look and smell like beef jerky--YUM!), so of course I'm going to want them more often. But when I whine and go stand by the counter where they are, she says "No treats now--you haven't eaten all your dinner. Later. We'll do training later." I even sit up or jump on my hind legs and dance around to try to show her I'm willing to work for treats, but NO GO. She sticks to her guns. PILL!

She cooks all kinds of great-smelling stuff, but if she gives me ANY human food at all, it's usually all healthy stuff, like carrots, red bell pepper or apple. Of course, she DOES give me sweet potatoes and that is my most FAVORITE food. Why can't she be like those people on that dog training show she's always watching--people who let their dogs eat off their plate, sometimes even stand right on the table! Why couldn't *I* have a mommy like that? (sigh)

And lastly, and I'm sorry that this may offend those of you with delicate sensibilities, but can we talk about mommy's gas problem? I have to be touching her when we sleep and, since she sleeps on her side, sometimes I am near her hind quarters when these huge gaseous clouds will come blasting out. I mean, I love her and all, but P-U! Sometimes I have to get up and move!

Anyhow, I just wanted to set the record straight that, while I may be a pill, I am certainly not the only one in the house!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Mommy sez "BRRrrrrrr!"

Mommy says it is VERY VERY cold today. I of course, being a Shih Tzu, do not notice. Mommy wears so many coats and hats and gloves to walk me, she looks like the Michelin Man...or a strange new age mummy. When we come back from our walk, Mommy is sort of jumping around while she takes off all her layers, and she says "Brrrr, Missy, it's cooooold!" I humor her by wagging my tail and acting like I'm paying attention, but I'm just biding time until she gets unwrapped so she can give me my poopie treat (no, it is not a treat OF poop, it is a treat FOR GOING poop--outside--you see, I have a little history of going poopies on the rug inside).

When we went out for our first walk this morning around 7 a.m., the grass was crunchy and the sun was just coming over the horizon. Mommy brought her camera along to take some snaps. Of course, trying to focus a camera while--a) freezing; b) wearing gloves; c) restraining a rambunctious puppy (MOI!) on a leash; and d) carrying a baggie full of poop (MINE!)--is probably not easy, so I cannot speak for her photo quality. You judge for yourselves.

Mommy loves sunrises and sunsets, so she was insistent that I stop my sniffing long enough for her to get this shot of the sun coming up over the horizon.

Mommy tried to get me to pose by the frozen pond as the sun was up over the grass. As IF! I have better things to do--like chasing leaves, chewing sticks, sniffing for other dogs' pee and poo, etc. So this isn't the shot she was going for, but it's the one she got. She likes how the sun's rays are radiating across the picture.

Another picture of moi. I am perfecting the "over the shoulder" look. It works, don't you think? This way, you get to see my entire gorgeous self, from my cute little butt to my swishy tail to my cute-as-a-button face. Mommy says I'm a ham. Did she just call me a pig?