Monday, December 8, 2008

Mommy sez "BRRrrrrrr!"

Mommy says it is VERY VERY cold today. I of course, being a Shih Tzu, do not notice. Mommy wears so many coats and hats and gloves to walk me, she looks like the Michelin Man...or a strange new age mummy. When we come back from our walk, Mommy is sort of jumping around while she takes off all her layers, and she says "Brrrr, Missy, it's cooooold!" I humor her by wagging my tail and acting like I'm paying attention, but I'm just biding time until she gets unwrapped so she can give me my poopie treat (no, it is not a treat OF poop, it is a treat FOR GOING poop--outside--you see, I have a little history of going poopies on the rug inside).

When we went out for our first walk this morning around 7 a.m., the grass was crunchy and the sun was just coming over the horizon. Mommy brought her camera along to take some snaps. Of course, trying to focus a camera while--a) freezing; b) wearing gloves; c) restraining a rambunctious puppy (MOI!) on a leash; and d) carrying a baggie full of poop (MINE!)--is probably not easy, so I cannot speak for her photo quality. You judge for yourselves.

Mommy loves sunrises and sunsets, so she was insistent that I stop my sniffing long enough for her to get this shot of the sun coming up over the horizon.

Mommy tried to get me to pose by the frozen pond as the sun was up over the grass. As IF! I have better things to do--like chasing leaves, chewing sticks, sniffing for other dogs' pee and poo, etc. So this isn't the shot she was going for, but it's the one she got. She likes how the sun's rays are radiating across the picture.

Another picture of moi. I am perfecting the "over the shoulder" look. It works, don't you think? This way, you get to see my entire gorgeous self, from my cute little butt to my swishy tail to my cute-as-a-button face. Mommy says I'm a ham. Did she just call me a pig?

1 comment:

Geri said...

Cute little dog. I have two pomeranians and they love the cold too. I guess it's because they've got such furry coats.